Here is the schedule. The slides of each presentation are linked below, and where the video recording is available it is linked too.
For the abstracts of the contributed talks, see the accepted papers page.
If you want to download an outdated version of the schedule as a PDF, including some local info, that is here.
Monday 6 June 2016
09:00 | Registration |
09:30 | Tutorial Lecture: |
Quantum Foundations and Bell Experiments Slides PDF Video | |
11:00 | Break |
11:30 | Tutorial Lecture: |
Process Theories and Graphical Languages | |
13:00 | |
Lunch | |
14:00 | Tutorial Lecture: |
Non-Locality, Contextuality, and Sheaves Slides PDF Video | |
15:30 | Break |
16:00 | Tutorial Lecture: |
Causality and indefinite causal structures in quantum theory Slides PDF | |
17:30 | Poster Session |
with beer and snacks! | |
19:00 |
Tuesday 7 June 2016
09:00 | Registration |
09:30 | Tutorial Lecture: |
Logic and Functional Programming Video | |
11:00 | Break |
11:30 | Tutorial Lecture: |
Introduction to Quipper Video | |
13:00 | |
Lunch | |
14:00 | Invited Lecture: Video |
15:00 | |
Postquantum Steering Slides PDF Video | |
15:30 | Break |
16:00 | |
An operational resource theory of purity Slides PDF Video | |
16:30 | |
Grover's search and higher-order interference Slides PDF Video | |
17:00 | Generalised no-broadcasting for process theories. Slides PDF Video |
17:15 | Geometric Quantization and Epistemically Restricted Theories Slides PDF Video |
17:30 | Conference Photo! |
18:30 | Drinks reception at the City Chambers on George Square |
Wednesday 8 June 2016
10:00 | Registration |
10:30 | Invited Lecture: |
From Bell inequality violations towards device independence of general quantum cryptographic protocols Video | |
11:30 | |
11:45 | Hypergraph states, their entanglement and robustness properties Slides PDF Video |
12:00 | Noise and Disturbance for Qubit Measurements: An Information-Theoretic Characterisation Slides PDF Video |
12:15 | Rigidity of quantum steering and one-sided device-independent verifiable quantum computation Slides PDF Video |
12:30 | |
Lunch | |
14:00 | |
14:15 | Cohomological framework for contextual quantum computations Slides PDF Video |
14:30 | |
14:45 | Quantifying contextuality via linear programming Slides PDF Video |
15:00 | |
15:15 | Noncontextuality inequalities for Specker’s compatibility scenario Slides PDF Video |
15:30 | Quantum Protocols within Spekkens' Toy Model Slides PDF Video |
15:45 |
Thursday 9 June 2016
10:00 | Registration |
10:30 | Invited Lecture: |
Reversible circuit compilation with space constraints Slides PDF Video | |
11:30 | Quantum Programs as Kleisli Maps Slides PDF Video | .
11:45 | |
Von Neumann Algebras Form a Model for the Quantum Lambda Calculus Slides PDF Video | |
12:15 | Constructing mutually unbiased bases from quantum Latin squares Slides PDF Video |
12:30 | |
Lunch | |
14:00 | |
Interacting Frobenius Algebras are Hopf Slides PDF Video | |
14:30 | |
A Simplified Stabilizer ZX-calculus Slides PDF Video | |
15:00 | Infinite-dimensional Categorical Quantum Mechanics Slides PDF Video |
15:15 | A topological perspective on interacting algebraic theories Slides PDF Video |
15:30 | Break |
16:00 | |
16:15 | Tight reference frame--independent quantum teleportation Slides PDF Video |
16:30 | |
(Modular) effect algebras are equivalent to (Frobenius) antispecial algebras Slides PDF Video | |
17:00 | Operational Theories of Physics as Categories Slides PDF Video |
17:15 | Picturing Indefinite Causal Structure Slides PDF Video |
17:30 | |
18:00 | Banquet at Drygate Brewery |
The bar is available from 18:00 | |
Dinner at 19:00 | |
Friday 10 June 2016
10:00 | Registration |
10:30 | Invited Lecture: |
In search of the spectrum Slides PDF Video | |
11:30 | |
Cohomology of effect algebras Slides PDF Video | |
12:00 | |
On the Cohomology of Contextuality Slides PDF Video | |
12:30 | |
Lunch | |
14:00 | |
Infinite-dimensionality in quantum foundations: W*-algebras as presheaves over matrix algebras Slides PDF Video | |
14:30 | |
Paschke Dilations Slides PDF Video | |
15:00 | |
A Royal Road to Quantum Theory (or thereabouts) Slides PDF Video | |
15:30 | Break |
16:00 | |
Operational meanings of orders of observables defined through quantum set theories with different conditionals Slides PDF Video | |
16:30 | |
A Generalised Quantifier Theory of Natural Language in Categorical Compositional Distributional Semantics with Bialgebras Video | |
17:00 | Ambiguity and Incomplete Information in Categorical Models of Language Slides PDF Video |
17:15 | Graded Entailment for Compositional Distributional Semantics Video |
17:30 | FIN. |
Saturday 11 June 2016
On saturday there is the Workshop on Semantic Spaces at the Intersection of NLP, Physics and Cognitive Science.